Train the Trainer | How to be an Effective Trainer

Train the Trainer | How to be an Effective Trainer


3-Day Online Instructor-led Training Course


Take charge of your training skills! From assessment to analysis, design, development, implementation, delivery and evaluation of training; learn what is needed to become a skilled trainer within your organization.



Training is like an iceberg. Most participants see only the top 10 percent: the error-free PowerPoint slides, the well-designed participant materials, a welcoming room setup, the professional facilitation skills of an experienced trainer, and a well-organized presentation. It all looks so easy! But, …it isn’t!! From training analysis to training design, development, implementation, delivery and evaluation, this intensive 3-day course aims to provide practical approaches to developing the skills of a highly competent trainer and instructor.

This course is packed with case studies and critical insights into the use of TTT approaches and tools and is delivered by world-class trainer, Mostafa Azzam, recently featured one of the “Top 50 Global HR Influencers to Follow in 2021,” one of the “Top 50 Global HR Analytics & Tech Influencers in 2019,” and one of the “100 Most Talented Global L&D Leaders in 2018”.


By the end of this intensive 3-day learning journey, you should be able to:

Describe the competencies of a skilled trainer

Outline the phases of a training cycle

Conduct a training needs assessment/analysis

Develop SMART learning goals and objectives

Define the characteristics and principles of adult learning

Design an objective-based learning program

Implement a broad spectrum of learning activities

Use visuals appropriately

Demonstrate a heightened awareness of effective presentation skills

Apply established training evaluation models

Write a personalized individual development plan (IDP)


Training Managers, Specialists, Consultants, Officers and Coordinators

HR Business Partners with training delivery responsibilities

General staff identified to deliver class-room training in various functions, disciplines and skills


A balanced approach between PowerPoint presentation, facilitated discussion, case studies and action-learning, individual exercises and group-based activities will ensure the direct transfer of skills, information and relevant practical experience and will show you how to fundamentally rethink and redesign your approach to training design, development, implementation, delivery and evaluation.





Welcome, Introductions & Pre-Test





  • What is a Trainer?

Introduce the ADDIE concept

Introduce first-time trainers to training


Assessment and Analysis

  • Needs Assessment Basics

Introduce needs assessment

Teach the basics of data collection

  • Participant’s Personal Needs Assessment

Assist seasoned trainers with creating a needs assessment

Provide an Instrument to self-assess training skills

  • SMART Learning Goals and Objectives

Discuss what constitutes a good learning objective, and how to write one


Design and Development

  • Adult-Learning Theory

Introduce adult-learning principles

  • Instructional Design

Introduce first-time designers to training design

Introduce the idea of applying adult-learning principles to training design

Present recommendations for effective training design

  • Focused Openings

Describe what constitutes a good opening

Introduce a variety of learning activities

  • Competencies

Introduce KSAs and their importance to instructional design

  • Supporting Materials

Discuss using appropriate visuals & formatting easy-to-read PowerPoint slides






Implementation, Delivery and Facilitation

  • Training Styles

Help participants identify their personal training style

Discuss how learning styles affect training delivery

Present different learning styles and how to address them in the classroom

  • Learning Environment

Identify ways to create a positive learning environment

  • Presentation Skills and Facilitation Techniques

Discuss ways to present a dynamic delivery

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of lecturing

Discuss ways to boost self-confidence

  • Presentation/Delivery Skills Practice

Introduce new trainers to stand-up skills of training

  • Managing Difficulties

Discuss potential problems in the training room

  • Asking and Answering Questions

Encourage trainers to ask more questions

Help trainers feel comfortable with Q&A sessions






Evaluation and Continuous Improvement

  • Evaluating Progress

Discuss the importance of evaluating progress

Introduce the basics of evaluation

Explain Kirkpatrick’s model of evaluation

Dissect real-life applications based on Kirkpatrick’s model

Map Kirkpatrick to the HR Analytics value chain

Discuss the ROI for training

  • Continuous Improvement


Discussion Questions / Action-Learning Exercises


Action Planning

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Courses Delivered


the HR talent


Training Assessment, Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Delivery and Evaluation